Tuesday, February 24, 2009

fire folktale chant

Jaguar & Fire

Jaguar had fire one day
,Bow and Arrow too were his they say
A jungle boy was once Jaguar's friend
Until Jaguar's mate made their friendship end
The boy took Jaguar's bow away
Along with fire that very day

prairie chant

Lightning strikes on the prairie one day
Three thunderbirds were there they say
One thunderbird did open his eyes
Lightning struck, to him a surprize
Off he flew leaving only two
Two thunderbirds were left that day
Lightning struck, one flew away
One thunderbird was all alone
Lightning strikes on the prairie today

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

garden time is comin'

got the beans and seeds this week
limas, carrots and herbs waiting for the ground..
onion sets will go down this month
red ones for now, yellow later on..

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

hummers - we are just a few months away

last years, vision of the hummers..2008

Saw the sentinal this morning
Gold, green, red and white
On the wire above the feeder
The little hummer is always on patrol
As other hummingbirds come in to the feeder
He rushes them - a swirl of color
Gold, green, red and white

Cat in the Hat, Seuss is upon us soon